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Hunting Land Reports.
Hunting Land Reports include customized digital maps of the property, forest composition and canopy, neighboring property synopsis, deer behavior, and current and recommended; bedding areas, food sources, water sources, stand sites, access routes, deer usage and movement, hunting strategy, and a spreadsheet on when to hunt each stand (wind, morning/evening, rut, etc).
I do Hunting Land Reports right after season ends until spring green up starts. We will talk on the phone for roughly an hour, I will ask you a lot of questions to determine what you already know about your property, neighboring properties, your goals (kill mature bucks, health of the herd, etc), and hunting in general. I will then do satellite, topography, and county auditor reconnaissance of your property and neighboring properties. We will set a day to walk your property, it may take more than a day to walk your property, depending on the size. I will put together the report and maps, each report is customized to your property and YOUR goals. We will then talk again in roughly a week and go over the Hunting Land Report and answer any questions you may have.  

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