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Habitat 101

What should you be doing now that season is over? Time to prep for next year!

14 September 2024
Pray for rain!

13 August 2024
All fall plots were sprayed last week. Seed was also picked up last week. Getting ready to plant The Mix!!

03 July 2024
Prepping equipment for fall plantings. Still getting stands and shooting lanes ready.

30 May 2024
All corn and soybeans are in the ground! It's time to start planting Egyptian Wheat for screening (stop listening to youtubers and podcasters, switch grass is junk in Ohio), get stands and shooting lanes ready, brush hogging plots (fawns are on the ground, stay alert), and in crop spraying the corn and soybeans that were just planted.

10 May 2024
Habitat improvements are all complete and all corn and bean sprayings are complete. Planting starts next week.

26 March 2024
I walked my last Hunting Land Report property of the year on Monday, so this week will be the last time I am typing reports. Next week starts habitat improvements and manipulations. Think chainsaw work!

07 March 2024
Time to get to frost seeding. I do not like doing it earlier than now. If the seed does not get sucked into the ground flocks of birds will find the seed. Or say you did it in early February, the seed got sucked in, germinated with warm weather then a hard long freeze crushed the newly sprouted plants. If you have not noticed spring green up is happening now, especially with invasive species.

05FEB2024- 29MAR2024
Starting the Monday after season ends, I conduct Hunting Land Reports. Sign is still fresh and I can see how deer have used the properties. Spring green up has not obscured trails, scrapes, or beds. Remember this time of year is when a deer is the most vulnerable. They are hungry (dropped a lot of weight since fall) and leery (they have been hunted for months straight by people, coyotes, and bobcats). You do not want to walk the same 40 acres 7 times, you could blow them off your property into an unfamiliar property. Have a plan when entering, know where you want to go and what you are looking for. 

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