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Wildlife Improvement Services
30 January 2024
Only showing after dark? It's time to push danger close to his bed. The weather is not going to make him daylight during this last week. What do you have to lose? Good luck!
18 January 2024
It finally happened! If you have a tag still, you need to be in the stand for the next four evenings! Calories are being burned big time right now. They want and need to eat now. Be in a stand between his bed and the food source. Good luck!
28 December 2023
Warm weather has stopped the big winter calorie burn. Meaning they do not have that drive to get to the food source during daylight. Hopefully next week the temp drops out and gets them on their feet more during killing hours. FYI, clients have already sent dropped antler pictures, be careful shooting big does.
15 December 2023
Just when he started to daylight again or was really close, yup gun season number two is here! Majority of people who will gun hunt this weekend will do it tomorrow morning. Then the excuses will get in their head when they don't see anything: It is going to be to hot the rest of Saturday and Sunday it is going to rain all day. Can't kill them from the house! Good luck to those who hunt more than 3 hours this weekend!
05 December 2023
The first wave of the orange army is over, only two more to go. Depending on the hunting pressure you put on him, it might take awhile for your target to return. Multiple day cold fronts are your friend right now, in the evenings between HIS bed and food. Any doe that did not get bred will be coming back in soon. If you see or if your cameras see breeding activity (chasing or lockdown), time to make a move to that area, it won't last long!
26 November 2023
The orange army will throw one switch tomorrow, and mother nature will throw the cold and windy switches too! Under normal circumstances, try to not think about what your neighbors are doing, but this is not that time. You have to use them to your advantage and not let them use you to theirs'. IE be in the stand before them, do not leave for lunch, make sure your scent cone is not pushing deer to them. If you still have a tag good luck!
21 November 2023
Peak is over, the majority of does have been bred. There will still be some stragglers that come in, like the ones that came in early. The young bucks have pretty much exhausted themselves. The mature bucks are the ones still looking for that last girl friend. Today's front is not going to pass southeast Ohio until after dark, but it will pass before dark in southwestern Ohio, if you are hunting this area be in the stand before it breaks, going to be killer for you!
15 November 2023
It's still ramped up, a mature buck can show up anytime of day still. But a lot of guys gave up, using the normal copout: "they don't move when its hot out", guess what? They do, they just do not hit the corn pile during daylight, they run the travel corridors or hangout with their girlfriend. A 12 year old kid is going to kill the one they've been after this weekend! Good luck to all the little people with guns this weekend, the big boys will still be searching!
07 November 2023
It's ramped up! Mature bucks have been killed the last three days. I'm waiting on a text to make it 4 in a row! You are not going to be able to pattern them now, stay were the action is. You have to pay for the chance at a mature buck now, and you pay for it with time in a tree.
03 November 2023
Pro tip-he does not care that it is hot out, that the moon is out, or that the moon is under his feet. He only gets roughly a month to get it done and that time is now. The rut explained: does start coming in mid October (very sporadic at this point), this is when you first start seeing some chasing, but the majority of mature bucks just seek during this time. More does come in during Halloween week, so mature bucks are on their feet more seeking, but now chasing too. After this week, most girls are going to come in. After that week it is going to be sporadic again. What does that mean to you? Peak breading can be pretty boring, this is when I get the calls and texts "I missed the rut". You did not miss the rut, the bucks are with does and not moving. They will be looking for another after they breed the one they are with. There are ways to ensure your rut is long and eventful, but it takes more than sitting in a tree looking at your phone.
28 October 2023
Have camera pictures slowed down at acorns, plots, or corn? Are lonesome fawns hanging out at these feeding locations, are does skittish and on edge? Have travel corridor pictures ramped up? These should all be a big yes, if not something is wrong. What does this all mean? It means the time has arrived! All day sitting weather is also upon us, good luck!
20 October 2023
Dreary day today, some mature bucks are going to catch arrows tonight and in the morning! They will be up a bit earlier tonight and will stay mobile a little longer in the mornin.
15 October 2023
The boys are taking inventory more often now, if you haven't alerted them to your hunting, you are getting daylight pictures now too. Outlier does are coming in, not much chasing with these ones.
06 October 2023
It's going to feel like fall this weekend, they are still going to be in the acorns.
01 October 2023
Did your buck disappear already?-He has probably found some good acorns falling-huge crop this year, even yellow gold cannot compete with millennia of built in instinct. New buck show up this weekend?-Neighbors getting anxious to hunt, hunted a southwest wind stand with a northeast wind.
15 September 2023
It's getting close! Check back soon for updates
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