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Wildlife Improvement Services
23 January 2023
They are going to be pretty easy to pattern for the next week, also might not have antlers. Good luck!
13 January 2023
They are all weary after being hunted by not only man for 3 and a half months but now they are hungry and being probed by coyotes. Might be time to roll the dice and get danger close to bedding areas in the evenings. It is going to depend on your woodsmen skills, access routes, and wind on just how high risk it is going to be. Remember you bump him in his bed this time of year and you will probably never see him again. Good luck!
3 January 2023
Hopefully you put on warm clothes two weeks ago and killed him during daylight! But if not, there is still time, drop in temp this week will get them back to late season pattern. I tell you every year around this time, some have dropped antlers already, be careful shooting a lone 150 plus pound doe now, it is a shed buck. Good luck if you still have a tag!
19 December 2022
If he is not showing up at a food source during shooting light in the evening, he will once this cold snap comes later this week. Target buck would be a good Christmas present!
9 December 2022
Deer should be calmer now that the orange army has been gone for 5 days. A deer does not pause their life because it is daytime. They still need to eat, that buck is on his feet during daylight somewhere, maybe it's time to push closer to his bed (if you can get there without him knowing). Good luck!
2 December 2022
The second round is happening now. In a perfect world (you haven't participated in the Orange Army Campaign to completely push deer nocturnal), the second rut has less chasing. Does have been chased for a month and are quicker to become submissive. A fawn from this year is definitely submissive. In that perfect world he will still be searching during the day. Is your property that perfect world?
29 November 2022
Day two of the Orange Army Campaign. How are the deer reacting to it on your place? Not too many hunters are out, if the deer disappeared, you might want to look at how you are hunting. They still have to eat, unbred does are coming back in, and fawns will start trickling in too. Good luck!
18 November 2022
A lot of little people are going to kill slammers this weekend! Peak rut is over, mature bucks are still looking for that last doe that comes in, it is going to be cold so they will be heading to high carb food sources (yellow gold). Make sure the little people are warm and content for an all day hunt. Also make sure they thank the neighbors for not hunting the first two weeks of November because it was too hot or rainy and for not pulling all day sits! Good luck!
14 November 2022
Multiple clients killed great bucks this last week, it is still on! It is feast or famine time, peak breeding. If you do not sit in the stand all day, you are messing up. Think about slinging an arrow or two when you get home to make sure your set up is still on. It's probably been at least a few weeks since you practiced and a whole bunch of branches have hit your bow on the walks to and from the stand.
7 November 2022
Getting close to peak breeding. What does that mean to you? All day sits! You never know when he leaves his current girl friend and goes on the hunt for his next girl friend. Also means less sightings, because of the dreaded lock down-which you are probably scared of because of tv hunters, pod casters, and other click baiters. Lock down just means the majority of does are in so most bucks are with a girl. How do you combat lock down? Be in the woods not on the couch!
1 November 2022
November is here! This makes two days in a row a client has put a mature Big Buck in the back of their truck! Still uneasy about the temperature? He has roughly a month to take care of business. Have you ever said no because it was too hot? I didn't think so.
31 October 2022
Halloween! I shouldn't need to say more. Are you not getting as many pictures on your pile of yellow gold or your food plots right now, do you wonder why? It is because the girls are being pestered by young bucks 24/7 now, notice they are constantly looking around in the pictures you are getting? A lot of 3.5 year olds normally die this week (and some mature bucks), but with the warm temps a lot of hunters will stay at work. Bucks do not care about temperature this time of year, do you?
26 October 2022
Hopefully you were out this morning, the rain didn't stop the mature bucks that lucked into an early hot doe! You've been checking and waiting to hear this, so here it is: It is time to be in the woods whenever you can! Hopefully your rutcation starts soon and lasts until the third week in November.
22 October 2022
It's time to kill that 1.5 and maybe that 2.5 in the middle of the day! It's still too soon to be thinking about the rut; only young bucks and inexperienced hunters think it's happening now-patience! A caveat to this: An outlier doe can come in early but she will not be chased all across the county, nor will she be searched for hard. The most dominate buck in the area will stay with her. Don't kill her, she will come in early every year, and if you pattern her you could kill him early next year.
19 October 2022
Hope you did not burn your best rut stand during this cold snap (does remember)! It feels like rut weather to you, but it's not. Bucks are on their feet a little earlier in the evening while it is this cold, but if you are getting pictures of them at 10 pm it has no effect on you. You are too far from their bedding area, if it takes them 3 hours to get from their bed to you, them being up 20 minutes sooner does not help you at all. In two weeks that all changes!
14 October 2022
1.5 year old bucks are starting to sniff does a little harder and are moving more during daylight. Your hunting app might have sent you an email this week saying peak rut is October 25th in Ohio-This is fake news! The rut happens every year at the same time, unless some how the Earth's rotation around the sun sped up by 2 weeks. Might as well hit moon phase while I am at it, full moon will make them more active at night but it does not affect the day a doe comes in.
9 October 2022
Corn is being picked and farmers are running beans! Three good chances of seeing new bucks; rut, velvet loss, and corn picking. Loss of a large food source moves bucks to different parts of their home area. One nice non-typical taken yesterday! There is no October lull, it is just you educating deer when you hunt them early season.
2 October 2022
East variant wind for another couple days longer. Now you understand why some guys have tree stands 25 yards apart! To explain a little more: our general prevailing wind is a southwest wind, these last few days and forecasted wind direction for the next couple is a northeast wind-the exact opposite direction of normal. So if your stand was set up for a SW wind your scent is being blown to that trail now. If you had a stand on the opposite side of the trail (25 yards), you would be good.
24 September 2022
Hope your first day went great! 3 clients arrowed today; morning, day, and evening! Unpressured bucks can move anytime. Early season hunt close to bedding in the morning and close to food source in the evening.
15 September 2022
It is getting close! Some of you are probably getting worried, you watched bucks pop up on your phone all summer and within the last two weeks, right after hard horned, they disappeared. Don't worry, they do not have EHD-acorns are dropping and they are starting to change to their fall pattern. Hope your shooting lanes were trimmed a month ago, 9 days left to wait!
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