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18 January 2021

Be careful arrowing a big doe now, it could be a big buck!.

10 December 2020

A fawn, from this year, could come in at anytime. Best advice is to hunt between bedding and food sources. The orange army has let their corn piles go dry, bucks that disappeared the last week of November could show back up soon. This weekend's temp drop followed by highs in the 30's could be perfect if you still have a tag.

27 November 2020

Does that have not been bred are getting ready to come back in. Bucks are searching again. If you still have a tag, be in the woods this weekend, before the orange army turns them nocturnal on Monday.

15 November 2020

The rut has slowed down, the majority of does have been bred. The good thing if you still have a tag, more B and C bucks are killed after peak rut than before. Hunt funnels between doe bedding areas and make sure the wind is on your side, 5.5 plus year old bucks are not like the 3.5 and 4.5 year olds that were seen running wild last week. They are cautious and methodical.

08 November 2020

It's still happening, chasing, seeking, and tending. If you are out there sweeting, you are seeing deer. Wednesday's cold front with rain should get the mature deer on their feet, wet and dreary all day! Thursday's temp drop will be another great day.

31 October 2020

It's happening, chasing and some tending, hope your in the woods.

25 October 2020

A lot of 3.5 year old bucks were arrowed Saturday, 15-20 degree temperature drop, kicked this year's rut off. Mature bucks were also on their feet during the day, mainly hitting food sources. Sunday things slowed back down to normal, 2.5 year old and younger bucks chasing does. Community scrapes have really opened up now. Friday looks to be another good day, after that be in the woods any day you can.

15 October 2020

A cold front came through in the evening. PM movement started later than normal. Seen a 2.5 year old scent check every doe that came into the food plot tonight. A 1.5 year old that was also in the plot, didn't pay any attention to the does. Saturday morning should have a good freeze, then mild weather for the rest of the week.

8 October 2020

Farmers have started fall harvest. Food plots are being hit more often especially where beans and corn have been picked and where white oaks have stopped dropping. Mature bucks are starting to venture out of their core areas at night. The next big cold front may get him on his feet a little sooner in the evening and keep him on his feet a little longer in the morning. Summer pattern seemed to last a bit longer this year. 

2 October 2020

More scrapes are starting to appear. Deer are still in acorns, soybeans (where still green), and of course corn. There was early movement into food sources this evening. 5pm first deer seen. Might find some frost on the stand in the morning, for the first time this season.

23 September 2020

Remnants of a pretty serious and very early sparring match found in an experimental food plot

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